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New Merchant Account

Want to make 5% of what your customers are spending in other stores? Become an A Loyalty Card Participating Merchant. Enjoy referrals from other stores, while your customers bring revenue to you.

A Loyalty Card Levels
Included FeaturesDirectory Listing OnlyParticipating Merchant
Business PageYesYes
Website LinkYesYes
Marketing Materials Yes
Green Tree on your listingsLets consumers know the business gives a 10%discount
Consumers know you give a 10% discount.
Up to 6 Categories
Get your choice of one primary plus up to 5 additional business categories.
Front Page Rotation Yes
Slider Rotation Yes
Profit Sharing
Receive 5% of the money your customers spend at other participating merchants.
Direct Deposit
ALC profit sharing funds paid directly to your bank account *, no going to the bank. Any and all transaction into or out of merchants accounts will be performed by UMS Banking of Glendale California.
Verification One time non-refundable deposit of $100.00 USD to verify your account.

A Loyalty Card verifies your account through Paypal. If you have a Paypal account, please use the email you use with Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, you may be prompted by Paypal, and if so, please use the same email address you are using here. If you do not do this, we will be unable to verify your account.

Referring Agent Information

The referrer id is a numeric field, please no letters or other characters. If you do not have this information, please leave it blank. If an agent gave you a card, the number will be on the card.

Your Contact Information - * Indicates required field

My business is a tax-exempt organization

Please use a valid email address. A Loyalty Card will send you a verification email to complete your registration. If you do not use a valid email address, you will not be able to complete the registration. ALC ALC does not share its data with third parties.

To ensure proper address mapping on mobile devices, please make sure to use a recognized street suffix, eg. St for Street, Blvd for boulevard, CT for court, Dr for Drive, etc. You can check with the US Post Office for more information.

Between 6 and 16 characters. Must contain a Capital letter, a number and a special character.
Passwords MUST not use the & ampersand character.

Your pin must be 4 digits, and cannot be 1234!

Your Business Information

This is a preview of your listing with ALC in search engine results.

Acme Widget Company at A Loyalty Card

250 characters max - 250 characters remaining
If your store will not offer a discount on certain goods, please enter that information here.

Please the primary category that is most relavent to your business.

If you have a website, you must begin the address with the protocol, either:
or - if you have SSL